Sunday 22 November 2015

The Hunger Games: Mockingjay, Part 2 Review

So after a totally no action movie part 1, come this got some action movie part 2. Looking back this The Hunger Games series is not really action movies. But a twilight + star wars + battle royael type of movie. So is it bad or is it good? Let's find out

  I really like the sort of plot twist in this movie :)  nospoiler. This movie is quite dark, the things that Katness had to go through is really a torture. No wonder she is the hero. I like her as the hero, she got time to shine in this movie.  This movie is all about her, it is not like Hobbit where the hobbit is just there.

  Then there is PETA. I really hate him in the first arc of the movie, I dislike him since the first movie. But this movie let me gradually dont hate him when the movie progress. So I got to give credit to the writing and acting.

  NOT Enough ACTION/WAR, I really hope there are more epic battle but I can tell the budget for this movie is not that big. Some of the action in this movie are quite cool but not enough.

  The movie draggggg. It drag for no reason, some of the dialog feel like filler. I like President Snow in this movie :)

  Verdict 7.8/10
Pro: All the cast members are great
       Enjoyable movie

Con: draggy
        not enough payoff  

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