Saturday 25 April 2015

The Avengers: Age Of Ultron Review

 The Avengers:Age of Ultron can possible be the best movie of the year or since the first Avengers movie. It has all the actions you wanted and a good villain. I rate it 9/10. I will go into much in dept review and later with some spoiler, don't worry i will warn you when i talk about spoiler.

So the movie starts off with action, the avengers went to retrieve Loki scepter. Then Iron Man created Ultron to protect the Earth using the scepter. Ultron turn evil and wanted to destroy the world because of very lame reason =_=. Then we have more action scene, Thor went to do some side quest. The movie director saw the hobbit and he also added some unnecessary romance in Black Widow and Hulk. There is also more character development for Hawkeye. Vision is created. Quick Sliver and Scarlet Witch joined the avengers. Then they all go fight wave of Ultron 's drones very similar to the first movie but less fun and entertaining to watch. Yea I do nick pick a lot but trust me I enjoyed this movie, I do review like this is because I wanted it to be better not because I hate it.

Iron Man- He is as awesome as always. When he is fighting and flying, he is cool as well. When he is without his suit and interact with people as Tony Stark, he is fun to watch. If you watch any Iron Man movies before, you will know what I am talking about. Hulkbuster aka Iron Man in huge suit is the highlight of the movie, however I know is my fault for watching too much trailer and the fight clip, I feel disappointed because most of the Iron Man vs Hulk fight fight has been shown in the trailer. They did not do any insane action so ya.

Captain America-  I love how Captain America is portrayed in the Winter Solider. However like the first movie, he is pretty much useless. I felt that without him, the movie can also go on. He upgrade his skill, his hand has some magnetic device to attract the shield back to him. There is a part show in the trailer where he fight Ultron on top of the bus. I got disturb by it because Ultron is a robot and Captian America still had a chance to stand toe on toe with Ultron is ridiculous (Ultron can fly). yea yea I know it is a comic but because Winter Solider had more realistic approach to Captain America and I simply can't undo my mindset. There is one problem about Cinematic Universe, the hero level power varies in different movie. Yes if Batman can fight Superman why not?

Hulk- Hulk really does not do much in the final part of the movie compare to the last avengers movie. Oh stop comparing it to last movie please. I wish Hulk can do more rampage in the movie. He do fight Iron Man so I give it a pass about him.

Thor- I like that hammer joke.  Erm what can i say about him. He is actually a more powerful hero than most other avengers but he never really kick some really badass in this movie. I think this movie never had that super kickass moment not even Ultron except for the Iron Man Hulkbuster suit and sadly it was only use once in that movie. Can you imagine ,Ultron has created a more big and powerful suit that make the avengers look like paper. 

Ultron - I like how Ultron is created and his conversation with other humans. Every time he is on the screen makes me thrill or laugh. Everyone likes Loki for the first movie except me because I think Loki is very weak. I have high hope for Ultron but unfortunately he is also very weak as Captain America can stand against him for a couple of minutes. Ultron do built a bigger suit but it still fail. His minions surprisingly becomes weaker and weaker as the movie progresses. What I really want is Ultron standing firm on the ground and the avengers keep rushing toward him but got kick and thrown aside. Make him more menacing and powerful. In the trailer, you see the avengers look like they got their asses kick dam hard by Ultron which is not that true. It is actually Scarlet Witch powers combine with Quicksilver assisting her and make the Avengers had a tough time and fighting among themselves.

QuickSliver and Scarlet Witch

It is really good to have them in the movie or else it will be the same movie like the first one. Their new unique powers bought the screen to live.

Hawkeye and Black Widow- in the first movie, their existence serve some purpose in the movie. However in this movie.There are more story and screen time for them. I was like get the f out of the way jkjk. I like both of them but I just think they are not suitable to be in the avengers, one shot will likely to kill them.

So now finally spoiler review time

There is actually not much spoiler to talk about as the movie is predictable and the trailer has give away much plot. Vision did nothing much in the movie. Without him the movie also can move on. I know his existence is to build up for the Infinity War. However when he was first introduce, it just give the audience the tension of doubting if he is a good guy or another terrible Ultron that will turn against them. The hawkeye family time is just to pass time. There is also a selfish moment  for hulk when hulk wanted to leave without fighting, I was like seriously where is your sense of justice. I hope hawkeye die instead of Quicksliver. Hawkeye's death will be more emotionally impact full because we see him appear since Thor first movie. There will be like blaming time and lead to the Civil War for next movie.

Please Comment any thoughts :)

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