Saturday 24 January 2015

Blackhat Movie Review

This movie suck!!! If you haven't watch this movie, I strongly suggest you do not to watch it and just read my review about it. Black Hat a movie about computer hacking starring Chirs Hemsworth, Tang Wei and Wang Leehom and directed by Micheal Mann.

The first time I felt that the movie is a complete garbage. This entire movie is full with unnecessary close up shot.  It is like the director only trick is to shoot scene with close up. The story is below average, a movie theme about hacking but the story is surprisingly easily to follow and barely any interesting hacking.

First it starts off with crappy cgi showing how the hacking too place. Then it shows the same sequence of boring cg of another hack.

Then it shows us Wang Leehom and Tang Wei acted as his sister. The only reason I can think of is now Hollywood is trying to make money from China. Chinese will go to watch this shameless movie because it cast their famous actor and actress. Chris Hemsworth is an excellent actor, I believe he is Thor in his marvel movie and a racer is Rush. But I don't buy that Chris Hemsworth is a hacker, because he never spend much time in hacking or talk like an IT nerd in the movie.

Chris and Tang Wei became lover the script is poorly written, in fact all the dialogue is very plain. I supposed they fall in love to each other is because both of them are good looking.

The action scene is so terrible that I laugh in the theater. It felt like a homemake youtube video. The unnecessary shaky camera and close up. The action is just two side of people shooting each other. I did not care at all.

The villain is not cool at all, his plans is very boring.  There is no epic showdown between Chris and the Villain in the hacking world. There was a part where, Chris and the bad guys were holding guns and trying to find each other and a festival was going on. The people just passed by them even though they clearly see them holding guns.

The only thing I can give credit to is the night light is nice in the movie. If you want to watch a movie  about hacking, I suggest you watch die hard 4 and a Japanese drama call Bloody Monday
Final verdict 2/10

Thursday 22 January 2015

Best Moments of Lord of the Ring The Return of the King

  There are not many movies that have multiple epicness scene in a movie. Remember those scenes in lortr that will make your body chill even you watch it many times before. Here are the best moments in Lord of the Ring The Return of the King.

Beacon of Minas Tirith

  The mountains are not cg but real mountains. There are many different mountains and shot  differently in this montage. Watching the human lighting up the fire and combine with the epic music, I can watch it many times even though nothing important really happens in this scene.  

Pippin's song
If someone force you to sing a song to him, sing him this song. The scene is very clever edited. The singing, eating,riding and drawing arrows and the orcs leader shouting fire but his voice is muted.

Rohirrim Charge

Surely you saw this coming, don't you. After a long hopeless battle against the orcs. Rohan's armies has finally arrive. Then the king make a great speech and the rest cheer. Then they charge toward the orcs like the light shine through the darkness. Ohya and the scale of the armies is intimating.

Minas Morgul

The scene that show are badass the rest of the movie is going to be.Where you first saw the menacing orcs marching out for wars and also saw the black clothes witch riding a fking dragon.


So what do you think about these scenes? There are many more moments in Lord of the Ring, go watch it again when you are free. 

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Five Things that Twilight taught us

Hi guys this is my 2nd post, I am a twilight fan. If you hate twilight it is ok but don't hate me. Here are ten things that Twilight taught us. Warning this post contains spoilers!

1. Forever Love
Many of us don't believe in forever love unless both of you are immortal. Anyway when you walk down the street there are old couples who love each other till old and death. It can be count as forever love. If you and your partner believe in forever love then both of you sure love each other forever.

2. Age does not matter
Edward is like almost 100 years old and Bella is 17. Also Jacob fall in love with Bella's baby. Age does not matter when two of you are roughly going to look the around the same age. To me , I think it is more mentally than psychically. If a couple has 5 years of age gap but they don't feel either one is younger or older, that is perfectly fine. 

3. Love can be selfless
Edward love Bella a lot. He left Bella believing that it would be better for her even though he going to miss her very much. Edward willingly to let Bella go if she wanted. He was not angry about Bella kissing Jacob. Love does not always mean to have that person you love.

4. Time heals broken heart
After Edward left Bella, Bella was in serious heart broken. But after a period of time, Bella got better with the help of Jacob and the support given from her father. I have countless of friends after break up that are so depress and some say they wanted to suicide. But all of them are healthy and normal now after some time. So it's not end of the day if your boyfriend/girlfriend broke up with you.

5. Family members are there if you are in trouble
During the last book/movie of twilight aka breaking dawn. Edward and Bella face serious trouble. But Edward's family helped them regardless that it's very dangerous that may took their life. I believe that your parents do love you and will help you if you are in trouble. If your parents don't love or help you when you are in trouble, maybe they themselves are facing problems. So in reverse do help them and love them.

Top Ten Movies of 2014

I am going to start off this blog by giving the top ten movies of 2014 since I am a big fan of movies and trust me , I watched countless of movies.  The list will be according to the release date 
of the movie. I am going to keep it short and readable.

1. The Lego Movie
Awww it is a kid movie and it must lame. Before I watched the movie, I also have the same idea that this movie is going to be crap. However it really surprise me that the movie is beyond good.  It has similar ending to toy story 3. The animation is brilliant. There are also many lego characters appeared in the movie like batman, superman and star wars.

2. Captian America 2 - The Winter Soilder
You saw this coming, don't you? We lived in and era where Marvel rules the cinema, maybe a bit exaggerating. A movie about superhero but don't really have superpowers in it. The movie feels like a spy movie than a superhero movie. It has the most badass and memorable villain in marvel movies. The actions are fun to watch, no over cg or camera shake to confuse you.
3. The Amazing Spiderman 2
WTF Are you crazy? Nope, I am not. Please listen to my reasoning before you continue cursing. The so much hate is actually the trailer fault because it shows to much of the action scene. I know the movie is suck and should not in the top ten list but it is a enjoyable movie for all ages. The movie is not boring and there is a lot of drama going on , especially the relationship between Peter and Glenn. My compliant is not enough intense action in it. Alright maybe I am wrong but I still recommend this movie to those who haven't seen it.

4. Godzilla 2014
I love this movie because I love Godzilla. Ok I admit I am bias here. The reason to see this movie is if you love giant monster that destroy cities. Only complaint is if there is more Godzilla scenes in that movie. I won't talk much about the movie is because if you hate the idea of giant monster than you are not going to like it!

5. X Men : Days of the Future Past
I am not a fan of X men in the past. I began to like X men more when watching X Men the first class. In this movie there are cast from X Men First Class, they are all stunning actors and actress. This movie is story/plot driven and my complaint is no badass fight scene.Recommend to those who have watch previous X men before or at least some knowledge about Xmen, or else you will be confuse.

6. 22 Jump Street
Best comedy of the year. Awesome chemistry between the two lead actors. It's a police drama on two undercover detectives be college students.

7. Transformers 4 Edge of Extinction
 Yes, that tons of explosive, product placement, racist , bad humor, ridiculous story and many more negatives things to say movie produce by none other than Michael Bay again. Actions and explosion is still enthusiastic to watch. You got to give credits to those who make those CGI and also the hard in those explosion stunt. You rather watch Transformers than Fault  in our Stars, am I right?

8. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
It is just nostalgia. Nothing beats our childhood.

9. Interstellar
About space travel and something to do about blackhole, space and time. The thing that attracts me the most is the father and daughter relationship. My father went oversea to work at some point of time, so I could feel much more than others in this movie.

10. The Hobbit the Battle of Five Armies
I am a huge lord of the ring fans. This movie has epic war battle, one of the best in this year or two. However I am quite disappointed about the movie but that story is for another day.

Honorable mentions Dawn of the Planet of the Apes, guardian of the galaxy, edge of tomorrow and how to train your dragon 2.

Hope you have an enjoyable movie screening time!