Tuesday 18 August 2015

Attack on Titan live action movie part 1 review

  This movie is dam terrible. Before I start my rant I will say that the giant looks very creative and menacing. However that the is the only good thing of the movie. yea the movie call attack on titan, only when the titans attack are the only great, the rest are unwatchable.

  I did watch the anime, I think the anime did way better job than this. I will review this in non anime viewer and anime viewer stand point.

  Story occurs in Japan, where somehow giants exist and love to eat humans. So the human lived in the city protect with wall. Where did the giants come from? no one knows. Basically the main plot is giants break through the wall, then 3 years later they trying to fix that wall to stop giant to come in. That is it... It is very similar to the movie Mad Max, post apocalypse world and a simple story. But Attack on Titan most cast act poorly and uninteresting character. Their acting skill really questionable, it is more fake than the CG of this movie.

  Let start with the main protagonist Eren. He wants to get out of the world to see the big world. He wants to take revenge on the titans because the titan killed his love one. But there is no scene to express how much he hate the titans and how emotional he is still after 3 years. No, we only see him the whole time quarrel with another guy. I didn't see any friendship connect between Eren and his friend Armin. So the scene in the final arc seem not convincing.

  Then there is Eren friend , Armin. Armin just like trying to woo Sha Sha this whole time. Nothing to say about him. No character at all. At least in the anime, Armin is a coward and is really Eren bff.

  Mikasa (aka Eren girlfriend),  .She wasn't strong before the titans attack. I do not know why the movie studio wants to change her story, it is the biggest mistake. she got poor acting skill like Eren. I don't feel she really can kickass. Mikasa in the anime is wayyyy better.

  Hange, she is very stupid and very weak compare to the anime. I wonder how she got her top rank in the movie version. She portrayed as she has a sadist fetish towards the giant. But the way she trying to act like one is like she is telling a joke but no one laugh.

  Shikishima, a new character not from the anime. Whenever he is on the screen, I wanted to punch his face. He is so unlikeable. I do not know what his purpose, maybe he is the bad guy in part 2. I really hope he die. Yea spoiler , nothing bad happen to him in this movie ARRRGH

Action feel like a B movie. CG is bad but can consider good enough for Japan movie standard.

Some of the scene where how the Titans kill the human is over the top. Way too much blood. More blood than tarantino films. I wanted to feel the emotional scene of humans being kill but the among of blood just trying to tell the audience that this is all fake.

I do not recommend watching this film.

Cons: Everything
Pro: Titans

 Final rating 3/10

Monday 3 August 2015

Mission Impossible Rogue Nation Review

 Mission Impossible Rogue Nation is the 5th mission impossible movie. It is directed by Christopher McQuarrie who directed Edge of Tomorrow. Staring none other than Tom Cruise again. You might think the 5th franchise is going to go down hill, no you are wrong. To me it is better than Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol.

 The movie is action packed and has many memorable action scenes. Some action makes you feel tense.Even though you know Tom Cruise will definitely survive out of this but still there are times where you think he couldn't make it out and hoping he is gonna be fine. (DEFINITELY way better than Terminator Salvation) I didn't review that movie haha.

  The jokes in the movie are great, all the cast are good in their role, they are believable character. Yes yes the female lead Rebecca Ferguson is great and badass , it reminds us of the female lead of Mad Max fury road. The main villain is ok, his motivation is not very clear, we didn't really see what bad things he actually did.

I will give the movie 9/10
 + great action                       - slightly weak villain
 + great cast
 + good and easy to follow story

If you like action and Tom Cruise , it is a must watch movie.